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Chepos Bundle 1: Editorial Selection

The first Chepos Bundle is online! Due to the current situation regarding the Coronavirus and therefore the switch to online, the Chepos cannot stay behind. Three bundles of articles will be released in the coming period of which this is the first one. Each bundle will have a common theme that links the texts and their corresponding layouts, of which this is the Editorial Selection. The bundle contains a selection of a few of the most promising articles. They range from the fascinating history of a famous street in Amsterdam all the way to building in the icy climates of the Antarctic. The bundle will give you a tour through the in-depth analysis of daylight in architecture, the timeline of the geometrical sketches by Israeli architect Zvi Hecker and the fascinating history of Castle Vianden in Luxembourg. Go to the Chepos Issuu page and read the first bundle!

  • 2020
