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Frequently Asked Questions

When should study and exam material be known and available?

A teacher must ensure that no later than one month before the date of the examination, the exact content of the course is available.
Furthermore, all possible resources should be known a month before the exam.

How much time does a teacher have to check an exam?

An examiner (usually the teacher) must determine the outcome of an exam within 15 working days.
In this period the teacher must provide the administration office of the faculty with the necessary data.

What is the major structure exactly?

The major structure means that your bachelor exists of 180 ECTS.
After the first year you choose a direction in the Built Environment (Building Physics and Structural Design, Architectural Urban Design and Engineering or Urban Systems and Real Estate). In the third year you have the multidisciplinary project and after that you move to a particular master track in the Bachelor End Project.

For more information about the major and the curriculum, click here.

When do you get your propaedeutic certificate?

Only when you pass all your first year courses in one year, you get a propaedeutic certificate.
You will receive it during the propaedeutic event organized by the department and CHEOPS.

How do I know which courses I have to follow?

Information about the curriculum is available online here.
Here you can find the courses you need to pass. Information about the different courses is available on Osiris.

Do I have to apply myself for courses, projects and exams?

Yes you do. Applying for courses, projects and exams is possible at Osiris until 20 working days before the start of the new quartile.
When you forget to do this, you can subscribe for another week at the ESA office in MetaForum. You then have to pay €20 administration costs per course you want to subscribe for.

Where can I buy study books?

You can buy your study books here with a discount.
To use this discount you have to be a member of CHEOPS. Becoming a CHEOPS member is free.

Where can I find information about the Bachelor College or Graduate School?

You can find information about the curriculum and more of the Bachelor College and Graduate School with this link.

Do you still have questions? You can visit the educational office at floor 2 between 12.00 and 14.00 pm for questions, visit CHEOPS or mail and we will help you.