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Alumni Network


Welcome on the webpage of BEAN. BEAN is the Built Environment Alumni Network, a new initiative of CHEOPS, the sub-associations and the department. BEAN is set up to improve the connection between alumni themselves, alumni and students, and alumni and the department. The network has as its vision to unite the alumni of the Built Environment on three levels: Connecting, Broadening and Networking. Connecting by facilitating mutual contact. Broadening by organizing interesting events. Networking by organizing events where one gets into informal contact. All disciplines of the Built Environment are united in BEAN. The disciplines will be covered by events organized by the network. This also has as a result that knowledge expansion takes places and the network of alumni is broadened.

Interested in more information about BEAN, follow the latest updates on our LinkedIn, which can be found here!

Events & Ambassadors

Throughout the year, we aim to organize between two and four events. As stated above, we aim to connect alumni with each other, give an opportunity to network and provide in-depth keynote lectures. At the moment we are unable to organize this type of event because of Covid-19. Still, we do not want to wait with kickstarting BEAN, so please get in contact with us if you have an idea to connect your fellow alumni in these times. You could also become an ambassador for BEAN and use your own network to get more people involved in the network. Sign up via the link above or get in contact with us via email to get more information about this.

Our contact information is down below.


Together with the Department, we provide the opportunity to do coaching as an alumnus! If you want to help students with their career-orientation or provide more in-depth coaching to older students, email us and we will get you in contact with a suitable student.

Alumni Portal

The TU/e provides a portal through which alumni can get into contact with each other, connect with students that would like coaching and via which general updates and invitations are sent to all alumni. You can log in here to see the options and keep up to date!

Contact information: