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Confidential Peer Support (CPS)

Have you experienced something unpleasant? Is there something bothering you? Or are you not feeling like your best self? Then let’s talk about it!

There are 24 trained students who serve as your confidential peer supports. Whether big or small, they are there to listen and help redirect you to the available support.

Student life at the TU/e can sometimes feel like a roller-coaster of experiences – we know! Sometimes you are loving it, and everything is going well, and other times you feel lost and don’t know how to make it better. Through these highs and lows we want to encourage you to talk about it. We are your peer listeners and can help you figure out what the best next steps are and who to contact for support.

Whether you just want to chat, want help in contacting a professional, or would like some help with understanding what you can do, we are here. We will listen and support you in taking the necessary next steps. And it goes without saying that whatever you share will remain completely confidential. So chose a support person that you think you will vibe with best and let’s talk about it!

More information and a video about CPSs can be found on Guidance and development (

Sofie van Stam  Contact Sofie 


From our association, Sofie van Stam is trained as CPS.

“I know your student life may seem like the best time of your life, but it can be overwhelming so you don’t always have to feel like this. I am always in for a chat so if you ever feel the need to talk to someone, I am there for you!”

Contact other CPSs

In total, there are 24 trained student peer listeners appointed who serve as your confidential peer supports. More information about the CPS’s can be found in the document below. They introduce themselves with their pictures and some warm personal information. Students can contact the CPS that they feel most comfortable with to make an appointment.

View all cps’s

What are confidential peer support persons?

This year the TU/e has started with an official training for Confidential Peer Support (CPSs). They have selected twenty-four students who are actively engaged within the community and who wish to offer a listening ear to those in need of peer support.

The CPSs are the point of contact within TU/e for any student who would like to discuss something confidentially. This could be because they are confronted with undesirable behavior, or because they experience issues or concerns related to their or another student’s wellbeing. The support of the CPSs is meant to lower the threshold for our students to reach out and feel more comfortable seeking help from the official TU/e support landscape.

Through the training, the CPS’s have practiced clear conversational skills and empathetically listening with an open attitude and without judgement. It is important to note that they will not attempt to solve the problems the caller encounters. Instead, they will provide information, support or advice on what steps the caller can take to resolve their issues (such as filing a formal complaint or referring to professional counsellors within or outside of the university).